Callie’s Corner: Be a Battle Ropes Babe this #WorkoutWednesday


By: Callie Hickman

Welcome to another #WorkoutWednesday! Now I must admit- when I first saw battle ropes at my gym a couple of years ago, I was a bit intimidated. Why would I want to try something I’ve never done and risk “looking like an amateur” in front of my fellow gym-goers?  If you have ever had that same train of thought about any gym equipment, you are not alone. I’ve heard many other women confess this same fear. However, if we let that thought process overtake us every time we see something new at the gym without doing our research or simply asking a trainer what to do, we could be missing out on killer additions to our workouts. So let’s talk about why you need to start using battle ropes (if you haven’t already)!

Aside from toning your arms, abs and shoulders, battle ropes are a great way to rev your heart rate and metabolism without the impact of running or jumping. According to a recent study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, ten 15-second battle rope intervals (with 30-45 second breaks in between) can boost your heart rate and burn as many calories as a 10 minute run!

Before you start swinging ropes, check your form! Below are some pointers from Women’s Health Magazine:

  1. Start Strong. With feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent (side note: these will really work your lower body as well if you do them in a squat position), grab the ends of the ropes, thumbs on top, palms facing each other. Avoid a tight grip, which tenses your shoulders and tires you out more quickly.
  2. Learn the Wave. From that position, quickly alternate bringing one hand and then the other up to shoulder height, making an undulating wave pattern with the rope. Your arms are like extensions of the ropes; use your whole body, especially your core, to create power through them.
  3. Mix it up. Try the two-handed slam: Hold the ropes with your hands together, then extend your body upward to lift both arms overhead; bring both ropes down to the ground as hard as you can.
  4. Give it Your All. Work your way up to 30-second intervals, resting for 30 seconds in between. Remember, the best results come from all-out effort during the work interval. An option: Keep the intervals short (say, 10 to 15 seconds) but add extra rounds.

Stay tuned for next week’s #WorkoutWednesday!

About Callie Hickman 45 Articles
Callie Hickman